I love anything ORGANIZATION.
I love peeking at how others organize their plans and papers, so I thought I would share what works for me. I like to use a 1 inch binder, not too big, not too small, but just right. Inside I put what I need in order to plan, organize, input grades/scores. Best of all, since it's only an inch, I can take it home easily, no problema :)
I used to put my plans on the front of the binder, but it seemed to make more sense to have a cute cover so my plans could be easily found. I place lesson plans on the backside for quick and easy access. I love to use tabs with pockets so that I can place papers if I don't have time to punch holes right away.
Section 1: Student Info- birthdays, phone numbers, I.D. numbers/language codes, or any important student info from the office. (note: I put bulletin on inside of this tab because it's in the front).
Section 2: Records- I love this section! I have a general class list and make several copies at the beginning of the year. I like having all of my students' scores on one sheet because I can easily see their growth. I have one sheet for letter I.D., sounds, high frequency words, etc. I used to keep these sheets in my assessment binder, but when I take my binder home I have everything I need without having to lug around my huge assessment binder.
Section 3: Pacing Guides- Math and Language Arts Pacing guides from the district, Smart Goals, and my Reading Scope & Sequence with themes at a glance.
Section 4: Standards- I put a copy of our grade level standards and a copy of the Kinder Report Card, next year, Common Core.
Section 5: Calendar- We get a yearly calendar from our principal but I like to transfer information that pertains to our grade level here. But I'll have to post about a different calendar I use that I absolutely LOVE!
The last section holds papers in transition. These are generally projects I would like to work on when I have the time, (yeah right :)
I used to have a section for lesson plans, but I found that if I need to refer to them I can quickly access them on my flash drive.
My lil' cutie pie, busy making another master piece!
These make super Teacher Binder Covers as well :)